It’s Wall Street for All with Record Options Investing

investing options investing risk management stock market wall street Sep 17, 2023

Those new to the vast world of investing find themselves faced with the challenge of determining the best method for managing their assets and risk. While there are numerous pros and cons to any investment method, options trading beginners quickly discover that Record Options Investing’s innovative 14-Day Option Investor course is designed as a gateway to options investing for beginners, making it easier than ever to manage risk and accumulate wealth.

One of the primary reasons we launched Record Options Investing (ROI) is to provide financial literacy for everyone and make new retail investors feel confident making an investment in option contracts. To accomplish that goal, ROI aims to make the stock market accessible to anyone with the drive to learn the skills to invest, even with modest means.

Welcome to Wall Street

There’s nothing like Wall Street. It has its own culture and lingo, all of which is required reading if you want to properly manage your risk and accumulate wealth with options trading. Attempting to navigate the nuanced world of Wall Street without a firm grasp of financial literacy will only leave you with a dwindling bank account and lots of frustration.

Learning these lessons is no easy feat. The vernacular of Wall Street is a labyrinth where every totem can be called by three names, where Greek letters reign, and where the gatekeepers don’t seem keen to grant access to newcomers.

Yes, Wall Street is a daunting space to jump into, especially if you have absolutely no experience with the stock market. Don’t let that fear or intimidation stop you. There is little sense in steering clear of investing as a source of income. The United States leads the world in stock market capitalization, accounting for 55.9 percent of the total world market. Wall Street is woven into the national tapestry. Avoiding it only works as a disservice to you and your family. For those armed with the right lessons, the real American Dream is still possible on Wall Street.

What is the “real” American Dream, you ask? It’s comfort. It’s knowing that you and the people you love won’t fear the loss of a job, won’t worry about paying the bills, won’t need to scrimp and save purely to meet the bare minimum.

Most wealthy people in this country didn’t achieve their successes by launching innovative new businesses, patenting one-of-a-kind inventions, or composing a renowned symphony. These people made the jump from being financially secure to living among the upper-class echelons by equipping themselves with the financial literacy skills necessary to manage their risk and grow their portfolio.

The Biggest Challenge for Options Trading Beginners: Understanding Wall Street

Think of Wall Street like a swimming pool: the shallow end lures in stock and options trading beginners with promises of unbelievable returns and astronomical wealth. Splashing around in the shallow end might be a fun diversion, but it won’t change your life. To truly succeed, you’ll need to move into the deep end, where you’ll find the asset growth opportunities that drew you into the pool in the first place.

Of course, jumping into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim is foolish. The same is true for investing in options without a working knowledge of Wall Street and highly-developed financial literacy. In both cases, swimming or investing, you could end up drowning if you’re not prepared.

So how do you swim in the deep end without drowning? You apply your knowledge to the situation. In the pool, you start small, learning skills like the swim stroke or treading water that allow you to navigate the deep end. On Wall Street, you increase your financial literacy and understanding of the market to successfully make an investment in option spreads and other strategies.

To achieve goals such as retirement, home ownership, and higher education, ROI provides financial literacy for everyone interested in diving into the deep of the stock market.

What does Wall Street for All mean?

If you’re reading this blog post, you’re interested in learning about investing, options, and the stock market. However, if you’re new to Wall Street, maybe you’ve found it difficult to learn about this space. You’re not alone. From the terminology to the fear of losing money, there’s a lot about the stock market that’s daunting to new investors. You may want to make an investment in option contracts but with the resources you’ve used to learn about this topic, you’re not feeling confident moving from simulated trading to live trading.

Wall Street for all is ROI’s promise to make options investing understandable and accessible to everyone with the desire to learn. Consider our platform the best options investing for beginners resource available because it was specifically designed for retail investors new to options. By improving your financial literacy, we give you the tools to fully participate in the investment opportunities that happen every day on Wall Street.

Consider ROI the swimming lessons you need to safely play around in the deep end of the investment pool. Staying in the shallow end of the pool is fine if you don’t intend on managing your investment risk or significantly growing your assets. But trying to get into the deep end without the right know-how could -- and very well might -- end in disaster.

Wall Street accessibility has been a hot topic of late because platforms such as Robinhood and Indiegogo claimed they could take on this impressive task with their financial technology. After all, why try to get investors to invest through traditional means like impersonal financial planners or low-yield mutual funds when anyone can invest with your new business on Indiegogo? Why try to understand complicated trading platforms when Robinhood wants everyone to have the ability to trade with ease (unless there’s a run on GameStop stock)?

Yes, both platforms put trading technology in the hands of the everyday person who wants to invest in options, stocks, or new businesses. However, these companies aren’t empowering their users with the knowledge and insight necessary to invest wisely.

These companies found ways to sneak novice investors under the dividing rope into the deep end, but they haven’t demonstrated the right way to swim. Sure, you can invest in any company that’s readily available on these platforms but since you don’t know how to properly invest, you’re more likely to lose everything than end up a winner. And no one wants to feel like they’re drowning in their finances.

While other companies claim to make Wall Street accessible to all thanks to their fintech products, they haven’t yet overcome the challenge of helping weary investors feel confident managing their wealth digitally. In fact, the digital wealth management sector witnessed an 8 percent dip in consumer trust since 2020, according to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. That illustrates a substantial decline in the faith investors place in the professionals who traditionally dictate how funds are invested.

While digital wealth management is a key aspect of trading options, knowing where and how to manage these assets on your own is vital. Platforms like Robinhood that claimed to make Wall Street more accessible proved that you can’t always buy into the hype of new technology. Yes, they’ve provided access to Wall Street but they’re not making this space truly accessible because investing success starts with straightforward options investing for beginners education, an asset that’s nowhere to be found on these platforms.

What is Financial Literacy?

Considering how important financial literacy is for every adult, it’s amazing how little we’re taught about it in school. Unless you devote your education specifically to economics and the stock market, you’re not likely to run across college courses or high school curriculum dedicated to financial literacy. These money management skills make the difference between a person barely getting by and a well-off individual with no debt, a robust savings account, and active investments.

Financial literacy is one of the most commonly-stated barriers to entry for people looking to invest. In a Bankrate study published in March 2021, 32 percent of survey respondents said they didn’t invest in Wall Street because they didn’t understand the stock market. That means nearly one-third of Americans don’t maximize their savings by investing in Wall Street, purely because they find the industry opaque to outsiders. By simply increasing their financial literacy though, these same individuals would feel much more confident putting their money into options investing strategies.

Options trading beginners already have a basic financial literacy that includes an understanding of personal banking, budgeting expenses, and paying debts. Those are the skills that keep your head above water in everyday life. Once you get going, the knowledge of personal finance provided by Record Options Investing makes it easier to gain financial literacy and get a foothold on your future. If you’ve ever been curious about the world of options trading or earning supplemental income from investing, we make it easy to acquire the training you need to thrive.

Why is Making Wall Street Accessible to Everyone Important to Options Trading Beginners?

In the same Bankrate study, 48 percent of American adults either somewhat or strongly agree with the statement, “The stock market is rigged against individual investors.” Furthermore, despite years of the public regaining trust in the financial industry, the events of 2020 stopped this trend dead in its tracks within sectors such as banks, financial advisory/asset management, and digital wealth management, according to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer.

And we get it. After the GameStop trading debacle last year, plus the innumerable scandals and scams surrounding the investment world, it’s pretty easy for people to see Wall Street as a casino that’s been set up to favor the mega-wealthy and their corporations. Most people assume that successful Wall Street traders must start with enormous amounts of cash to make a go of things.

For options trading beginners, it can induce anxiety thinking that you’re going toe to toe with the one percent, or those people who are backed with years of formal education and million-dollar hedge funds. Managing your wealth using this methodology, despite seeing its proven efficacy, still seems like a long shot for most.

There’s a whole lingo, rhythm, and mechanism you have to be comfortable with before you can start trading anything, whether it’s options or stocks.

That’s where ROI comes in, offering financial literacy to everyone. Our course's easy to understand videos demystify Wall Street for newcomers and veterans alike.

Why You Need to Invest in Options

Everyone has financial needs, whether you’re making $1,000 a month or $10,000 a month. Some hope to build the capitol for their needs in small increments. Others actively save without taking advantage of investment opportunities. Both types of individuals often find themselves pushing dates for important life events (buying their first homes, having children, traveling, retiring) because incremental growth and straightforward saving rarely provide the assets needed to live your best life.

Don’t delay your plans because you’re waiting for that next paycheck or hoping to eventually save enough through sheer force of will. Both strategies require you to sit passively and wait for the money to essentially show up in your account.

Put your money to work for you so you’re not held back by financial worries. Investing is how the wealthy successfully manage and increase their assets. The difference between them and you isn’t a massive sum of money (okay, it’s not just a massive sum of money). Successful traders are wealthy because they’ve obtained the financial literacy and stock market understanding to swim in the deep end of the Wall Street pool. We can help you get there sooner than you think.

And time is of the essence. Prices for everything you’ll eventually need to pay for in the near to distant future are only going up. For example, a new study from the Insured Retirement Institute found that 51 percent of older workers (40+) don’t have a minimum of $50,000 dedicated to retirement but one-third of them believe they’ll retire before age 65 and one-half think they’ll retire at 65 or younger. Do you fall into this category? Are you over 40 with little-to-no retirement account but plans to stop working by 65? If so, the only way to accomplish that is with options investing.

Maybe you’re thinking about adding to your family but you’re concerned about covering the expenses of raising a child. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the cost of raising a child until the age 18 on average is $233,610. This figure does not include college, which costs $20,090 annually for a public university or $45,370 on average for a year at a private institution. But with all of the other expenses of raising a child, you could be a part of the 36 percent of parents who don’t have a college savings account for their child and don’t have plans for establishing one. So how can you raise a family without scrimping and saving while still being able to send your kids to the colleges they want to attend? Options investing!

There’s also all of those people desperately trying to buy their first homes in red-hot real estate markets across the country. There’s more buyers than homes which means properties are getting bought quickly for far more than they are worth. During the first half of 2021, most existing properties were purchased within a month of being listed. In May and June 2021, the average duration an existing house was listed on the market was just 17 days.

It doesn’t help the matter that both interest rates and home prices are rising. In July 2022, the median home sales price was $428,700, an increase of $58,900 since the time period last year. At the beginning of October 2021, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage average was 2.99 percent and a year later, that number has increased to 6.7. Rates haven’t been that high since 2008.

That’s why we created Record Options Investing. After years of managing wealth with options investing, we’re bringing that insight to you with our revolutionary that opens Wall Street for everyone. We’re empowering you to take control of your finances and generate synthetic dividends all from the comfort of your home. With newfound financial literacy, you may discover that a money manager is superfluous. 

Learn about the power of consistent returns with options investing here.